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Timbre Fingering

numbers refer to the holes/fingers as indicated below

click here for details concerning the Greatbass and Subbass (Küng - Superio)

blowing pressure/dynamic is adapted to achieve the indicated pitch

tuning pitch reference:
A4 = 442 Hz
equal temperament


Air Pressure

"high" the highest possible blowing pressure possible on the used fingering
"ideal" the blowing pressure with which the used fingering resonates best on the instrument
"low" the lowest possible blowing pressure for the used fingering

articulation is adopted to get the fingering sounding at the used blowing pressure.

Click here to open the fingering chart in a separate window.


Single Articulation


Diaphragm-attack, no articulation with the tongue


soft articulation, Tongue-position „L"


medium articulation, Tongue-position „D"


hard articulation, Tongue-position „T"


hard articulation and Air-noise, Tongue-position „T"



"p" “piano playing“ = low air pressure with still acceptable sound quality
"f" “forte playing“ = high air pressure with still acceptable sound quality


Fast Articulation

"p" “piano playing“ = low air pressure with still acceptable sound quality
"f" “forte playing“ = high air pressure with still acceptable sound quality


Finger Percussion

This is the percussive sound of a finger on its hole, without blowing into the instrument.



By underblowing the player can produce a very soft and instable sound, which is called „Flageolet“.
This is only possible for a limited range in extremely soft dynamics (upper Fifth of the first register, ppp)
The pitch of the Flageolet sounds is slightly higher than the pitch resulting for the same fingering played with „normal“ blowing pressure.

The more holes are closed on the instrument, the more instable the sounds become and the more time they need to speak.
It is impossible to control the exact moment of the beginning of the sound as the blowing pressure is extremely low (only possible without any articulation) and the movement of the air in the window is influencing the production of the Flageolet sound


Labium Glissando

"p" “piano playing“ = low air pressure with still acceptable sound quality
"f" “forte playing“ = high air pressure with still acceptable sound quality


Labium Frullato


Alla Tromba

Click here to open the fingering chart in a separate window.

Playing on the body of the instrument (middle joint and foot joint) with the embouchure used in brass instruments.

This playing technique is only possible for all sizes from Sopranino until Tenor. The diameter of the bass recorders is to big to play on it with the brass embouchure


from Distance

Click here to access to the videos for bass recorders

blowing into the instrument with a distance between mouth and entrance of the wind channel.
The direction of the airstream can be focussed directly into the wind channel or slightly aside, which varies the amount of air noise mixed to the pitch.